Photo by Tom Mayer
Photo by Tom Mayer

Chrysanthi Goula comes from Greece, but has traveled a lot around the world and lived in Spain, Cuba, England and France. She’s been living in Berlin since 2016. She is a filmmaker and photographer, but she also experiments with other art genres. She works in the field of documentary as a freelance archive producer and co-director for arte, zdf, DW etc., cinema productions, (art) exhibitions and social media campaigns. She also creates video installations and photographic series for art exhibitions.

She is a member of GRAP e.V (German Researchers and Archive Producers).

She films and photographs people, faces, facial expressions and details. She loves films, in which the camera observes situations and people without intervening, or by giving its subjects time to listen, to react, to respond. Only then do pictures have a historicity. She loves films which refer to other art genres or combine different art genres. She likes simple things, that are however ambiguous. Complicated and philosophical words do not appeal to her, we do not always need them. We urgently need our senses to understand the things around us. Every observation contains also an invention. This is of great importance to her.


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